I want to start by saying that any symptoms such as PMS, bloating, headaches etc are not generally ‘normal’. They are a sign from your body that something is not balanced. What might be normal for you might also not be nor-mal for someone else. Some women will experience pain free cycles while others will experience discomfort.
That horrible right tense stomach, pounding tension headaches, jittery and on edge. Sound familiar? These are all symptoms of what we like to call STRESS! I know all to well about these symptoms. In fact there was a point in my life when it got so bad that my body burnt out. I was sick all the time, heading to the chiropractor for daily migraines and I had a sense of overwhelm. I’ve come to realize that stress and my body don’t mix. It causes my body to become inflamed and lead to an array of health issues. So...
They are nasty and something no ones wants to experience. I’ve had my fair share, mostly around my period and when stress hits me, however I have found some triggers and solutions to share with you?!