Raw Snickers slice GF|DF|RSF
If you know me, you know im pretty fussy with the texture of raw slices, that aside i love this one and i think you will too! The peanuts in the base give it a delicious crunch and taste
It is also full of lots of fats, protein and fibre so a great snack for your hormones. Remember that with any raw slice you should feel satisfied and full after one piece due to the high nature of the fats. Fat keeps you full for longer and helps to stabilise your blood sugars!
Enjoy this one my foodies x L
1 cup cashews
1 cup buckwheat groats
1 cup plain blanched peanuts
1 cup dates
1 tsp vanilla extract
2 tbsp melted coconut oil
1 cup dates
3⁄4 cup smooth natural peanut butter
1⁄4 cup coconut oil
1⁄3 cup rice malt syrup
2 tsp vanilla
1⁄4 cup almond or any plant based milk
1⁄2 cup chopped peanuts
1⁄2 cup cacao powder or 1⁄4 cup cacao and 1⁄4 cup carob blend
1⁄3 cup maple syrup or rice malt
1⁄2 cup melted coconut oil
Pinch salt
1 tsp vanilla
Soak dates in hot boiling water for about five minutes until soft. Drain.
Combine buckwheat groats, cashews and peanuts in a food processor
and process until crumbly. Add melted coconut oil, dates and vanilla
and whizz until it combines to become sticky. Line a 30x20 baking tray
with baking paper and press the base into the tin evenly. Place in freezer
while you prepare the caramel.
Soak the dates for the caramel in boiling hot water to soften and then
drain. Add all the ingredients to the food processor or blender and blend
until it is thick and creamy. Pour over the prepared base and sprinkle
with the peanuts. Return to freezer.
Mix all the chocolate ingredients together well with a whisk and pour
over the top of the caramel layer. You can leave on bench for it to set a
little so it is even or place in the fridge or freezer to set.
You can eat this at room temperature or frozen.